

Enrolment Information

We encourage you to call the office to book in a tour or use the booking link on the home page of our website. Our Open Days are also listed on this. 

Parents are able to download and complete a digital copy of the enrolment form below and send it back via email admin@dbnarre.catholic.edu.au or stop in at the school office for a hard copy. Please note that the submission of these forms is not a confirmed enrolment. Once the forms have been lodged through administration, we will call you to set up an enrolment conversation to explore how we can best support your child to transition into Don Bosco. 

'Before & After School' and 'School Holiday' Care

Before and After School Care and School Holiday Care is offered onsite from 6:30 am till 6:30 pm. The program is run by Youth Leadership Victoria in the Hall whom are available on (03) 8790 6511.  Alternatively you can visit www.ylv.com.au or email admin@ylv.com.au to enquire about this program.

Enrolment Documents

DOSCEL - Enrolment Policy

Enrolment Handbook

Application for Enrolment Form

Privacy Policy

Collection Notice

School Fees Policy

School Attendance Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Safe and Sound Guidelines