A dynamic curriculum designed to empower
every student's learning journey
Our teachers are actively participating on a journey to embed the learning and teaching cycle in teaching teams. Led by our Leader of Learning, this will increase their knowledge and understanding of the new English and Maths curriculum; using data to plan specifically for student understanding across the curriculum and improve learning outcomes.
As a school, we use a variety of approaches to support student learning. Little Learners Love Literacy is an evidenced based phonics approach that explicitly and sequentially guides the teaching of reading, writing and spelling. All teachers across our school have attended professional development for this approach.
Our Maths Leadership team consists of teachers across the school who regularly attend sessions with Dr Matt Sexton (Director of Mathematics Teaching and Learning ACU) and teachers across the Diocese. The team meets weekly back at school to plan for staff learning, particularly in number development.
Staff are trained in and use recommended and researched frameworks to support teaching within the Personal and Social Capability domain of the Victorian Curriculum. ‘Kimochis Keys to Communication’, ‘Bounce Back’ and ‘Rights, Resilience & Respectful Relationships’ are examples of these.
The classroom program is supported by our Specialist subject areas. Each week, students attend one hour sessions in Visual Arts and Health & Physical Education together with forty minute lessons of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Performing Arts and Auslan.
Find out about our Faith Learning in the tab above.